The Orca

The orca is one of the most important species of animal on the planet. It is a top predator of all environments it lies. The orca is found in all seven oceans and is prone to colder climates for it has thick blubber layer, but it still lives in tropical climates. Orcas are most seen going on with their interesting ways and are truly one of a kind of animal.


The orca, also known as the killer whale, is a cetacean. Cetaceans include dolphin whales and porpoises. Orcas name killer whale makes most people think it is a kind of works well but is it is the largest dolphin on the planet. It is named the killer whale as it is the top of the food chain in all marine ecosystems. Killer whale was the name it was given while orca developed to be popular from its Latin scientific name, orca Orcinus. Orcinus’s translation is belonging to “Orcus,” a roman god from the netherworld referring to the killer whale’s power in hunting. Orca’s translation is “large, bellied pot or jar.”

Over millions of years, cetaceans have evolved from land mammals to marine once. In the time being, they have adapted to the ocean environment and developed different features. One example is the flippers. The flippers skeleton is the same as it was before, but the external shape has changed from paw to flipper. Their fore flipper’s Skeleton is actually closely related to the humans. Bear fluke is muscular which helps the dolphins swim forwards. The orca is black on the top half, and white on the other half. Orcas have fully black fore flippers, a white patch behind the eye and a white patch between the fluke and fore flipper that connects to the bottom half. The orca is a truly majestic animal that has transformed over many years.

The killer whale is found in all seven oceans. However, only a few (5 to 6) in the Indian Ocean due to the tropical water temperatures. The killer whale has thick blubber which helps them thrive in colder waters. They are abundant in Norway, Alaska, Arctic, Antarctica, and other freezing waters. Although their maximum is 259m and average is 100m, the killer whale is known to stay 20m near the surface. The killer whale can live worldwide because of its various populations of its many types of prey. the vast array of species allows it such a privilege.

The killer whale is a carnivore meaning it only eats meat. The whale eats many types of animal species like whales, dolphins, seals, walrus, fish, squid, some sharks, penguins, sea birds and even sea turtles. Being a dolphin, one of the smartest animals on the planet, the orca has developed unique ways for hunting different types of animals. A specific technique they use is called spy hopping. Spy hopping is when whales hop upwards to spy where their prey. To hunt animals on ice, orcas hit the ice from beneath and the ice crack, making the prey dive into ocean, to the hungry mouths of the pods of orcas. To hunt other dolphins, orcas chase until the dolphins are tired. To hunt whales, orcas circle around them and target and hit the mother whale from underneath, since babies rest on their mothers’ backs. After they hit the mother from top, the baby will bounce off into one of the pod members mouths. To hunt fish, they herd them by circling around them before hitting them with their tail to stun them, which leaves them with more time to catch them. The orca has developed so many ways to hunt.


The orca has the second largest brain of any animal in the world, after the sperm whale, and is known to be unique. It is known to be social in pods and be very meek. It is known for its distinctiveness and its power, making it symbolise harmony, family, and protection. It is found in aquariums and is also known for its human and orca eager cooperation, and bonding connection. It’s known for its hunting skills and tactics. It is now endangered and roams the seven oceans South Atlantic, North Pacific, South Pacific, Indian, Southern, Arctic, North Atlantic.
