World Animal Day: Why Animals Are Endangered


There are many thousands of different ways animals become endangered in forms of natural and human-caused ways. Even though most reasons why animals are endangered is because of humans, there are still some key reasons to make animals endangered. I will tell you 3 natural ways and 7 human caused ways. 

Natural Ways

1. Environmental Stress 

An iconic species of Australia has become endangered due to this cause. A disease called Chlamydia, caused by stress, can cause many things, the worst being death. Koalas are prone to this disease because of many causes, natural and human-caused. Natural disasters, dog attacks, noisy towns and bright lights all cause stress for koalas, causing Chlamydia. 

2. Competition Between Species 

Competition can be in food, water and homes. an example is how caracals and leopards compete for the same prey, guinea fowl. Animals compete till death of both animals. however, due to the decreasing amount of shelter, food and water sources, this is becoming more common. 

3. Natural Disasters 

 Natural disasters occur worldwide and traumatize millions of lives. Take the floods in New South Whales, Australia, in the last few years. these have left people stranded on their roofs, and being evacuated for weeks. these have destroyed many houses, and taken the lives of people too.

Human Caused Ways 

1. Deforestation

Deforestation is when large forests are cut down for agriculture, urban development, wood harvesting and logging. Deforestation removes, food, water, and a home for trillions of animals. The world's most endangered animal, the Javan rhinoceros is endangered for this reason. 

2. Overfishing

Overfishing is the excess or too much of fishing. Fishing in ginormous amount of schools of millions of fish, all taken to eat or for medicines. Scientists estimate there are 3.7 trillion fish and 200 million are killed each year. The world's most endangered marine mammal, the vaquita is endangered for this reason. 

3. Climate Change 

Humans have caused the world's biggest threat, climate change, which doubts the world's future. It is because of an excess of carbon dioxide, what humans breathe out and what trees change to oxygen. It is also caused by fossil fuels. It makes the atmosphere thicker and makes the earth hotter. 

4. Human predation

Humans are known to kill practically everything, from ants, to vaquitas, to whales, to snakes, to tiger, to micro-organisms, all in different forms. Many are killed for food, medicine, clothes, or decoration. some however, suffer from the vast never ending list of threats humans create. 

5. Ocean Acidification 

 Ocean Acidification is when the ocean absorbs some of the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. The carbon dioxide dissolves in the saltwater and turns to carbon acid. Ocean Acidification harms carbonate-based shells and skeletons, like hermit crabs and coral. This can ultimately kill 25%  if not more, of the world's marine life. 

6. Pesticides 

Pesticides are the main reason for the death of many pests and important insects. The lady bug, worms, and bees are all dying due to pesticides. Therefore, the crop is dying since important species are not there to help it grow. instead of using pesticides, you can use these important species or mixes of natural ingredients to support the crops. 

7.  Introduction Of Invasive Species 

The introductions of invasive species can do a lot of harm to the ecosystem. Take the cane toad for example. This species had lead to the extinction of several native species, leading to unbalanced ecosystems. The toxin on the toad's back is unusual for the species in Australia and since they eat normal native frogs and toads they eat the cane toad, causing death. 

8. Pollution

With the human population increasing, the ecosystem is becoming unstable. the excess of many of our inventions are killing animals worldwide. 

Animals worldwide suffer from many things. We, as the smartest animals on the planet, need to put this to good use, and help the earth, and all the animals out there. Together, we can make a difference. 
