

A storm charging,

Angry clouds too.

The rain dropped down,

Showing us what to do.


The grey deep atmosphere,

All of us trapped inside.

Children looked out the window,

The clouds hadn't lied.


The atmosphere so gloomy,

As kids were gloomy as well.

I wanted to run and play,

Clearly the clouds couldn't tell.


With the wind so strong,

The clouds ran west.

With thunder too so near,

We could just hope for the best.

The sun peeked out of the clouds,

As the clouds stormed across.

A little ray of sunshine,

Could make up for the loss.


The once gloomy shut down city,

Was now wide awake,

 With the sun shining,

And us having an ice cream break.


So we should mind what we say,

And what we do.

Even when one is sad,

It can affect others too.
