The 10 R's - The Guide to a Sustainable Lifestyle

The 10 R’s - Guide to sustainable lifestyle 

Sustainable, a word that by dictionary means “ conserving an ecological balance by avoiding depletion of natural resources.” It sounds just like a bunch of random big words, but those big words mean a lot. It's maintaining an entire planet, at a certain temperature, certain humidity, certain climate, and many others. Sustainability is a word you may have heard a lot in modern society.  There are thousands of ways to be sustainable, and live a sustainable lifestyle, but I have given you 10 words to tell you how to do it. Recycle, reduce, refuse, repair, repurpose, respect, 

 1) Recycle - convert waste into reusable material Most places have implemented a separate bin for recycling, and I am glad to say it is most certainly used. The materials that you put in the bin, are then reused to make packaging, new materials, or products. This method has probably been the most popular, and no wonder why. 

 2) Reduce - used less of Some materials are not recyclable or sustainable. Plastic, Styrofoam, and peanut packaging. An effort is certainly being made, but to be fair, we can not call it an effort until everyone has tried. Many companies have switched their packaging materials, and many individuals are playing their part. 

 3) Refuse - disagree or say no to 
Refuse to buy products that are unsustainable. Things like food with palm oil, disposables, paper cups, coffee cups and some things are that aren't recyclable. y refusing these things, you are doing your part in helping the planet. 

 4) Repair - mend or fix something 
 Don't buy new things, because your old one broke. Repair it, save it, treasure it. While saving money, and time, you are also reducing the emissions produced while making this product. Some may say, creating art out of the old, and other than repairing whatever you are repairing, repairing some seriously needed artistic skills. 

 5) Repurpose - use something, for something other than its original purpose 
Repurposing is a leisurely activity and a creative way to think outside of the box, literally. Maybe it is turning an old jam jar into organisers for your spices, or using an old soda can for bowling pins. Whether it’s turning the old into the new, or turning scraps into fashion. It certainly is a fun way to help out! 

 6) Respect - Consider or give thought to, or towards 
We continually change our world, yet we don't realise the happiness the original brings us. Never have I seen someone unhappy in nature, or unsatisfied with the joy it gives. Only have I seen people disheartening thinking of the fact it may never be here again. It deserves to stay, it deserves respect. 

 7) Restore - replace or re-establish
Restoring, is the only solutions to reviving what we've lost. These natural resources must be treasured. Our forests have been logged down at an astonishingly crazy rate, making the forests seem valueless to be cut down like this. We need to restore the rainforests and forests we have demolished. By doing this we can cut down greenhouse gases in the same astonishingly crazy rate that we did to the trees. Even if it starts with one person planting a tree in their backyard. Little things make big things. 

 8) Rethink - give thought to again 
Rethink is to think again. Sounds simple right? But one long word decided to complicate this. Temptation.  How often do you find yourself buying things that too cheap to be true and have no point of view, where, as a fact it is sustainable. Why buy the same cheap thing repeatedly, spending more money than buying the sustainable one once. If you know the answer why ignore it? 

 9) Reuse - use again or more than once 
Reusing products is not only a fun and creative way to pass the time, but an excellent alternative to buying new products. By reducing the amount of packaging or products you buy, emissions are reduced, reducing your carbon footprint. 

 10) Repeat - do again 
Now that you've read all this, let me tell you the most important word. Doing this once can't make it a lifestyle. only a consistent habit you do almost all the time can be called a lifestyle. Repeating this can maximise your positive impact on the planet. 

Yes, I continue to write and write, as you read and read.  People continue to make speeches that last forever. They continue to talk and talk. Scientists continue to research and write about these miraculous findings. They continue to teach and teach. All in all, millions, if not billions continue to advocate this way of life. We are simply pushing right aside from wrong. Only if these words get to your head, and make you act, can we revolutionise this planet, for the better.
